Thank you for doing the video with HRV. We are thankful you chose us to help with your recruiting needs. To learn more about HRV Recruiting Guidance, click HERE
Good job so far!
Your video is public and ready to share with the world! Next it is time to send an email with YOUR YouTube link to get college coaches to watch it! If you are doing HRV personal recruiting guidance, this does not apply to you. Please be sure your parents see this information as well, so we don’t miss anything. Heads up!…these instructions are long, read all the way to the bottom!

Do not delay on this step! You must get your name out there and this is the most efficient way to do it.
Here are some bullet points to guide you. Make sure you read each one carefully and you will have a great letter to use.
At the bottom of this page we included 2 “demo” templates you can use. Everything in it is generic until you put in your data.
- Add YOUR YouTube links to the letter. (If you can’t find it CLICK HERE)
- Please check your spelling and grammar!
- Please remind Eric of the division you want to send to. We work with a lot of people and sometimes it gets tough to remember each players request.
- Add your personal email address.
- Do not include images or attachments. They may cause the email to go to junk or spam folders.
- TYPE out your future/upcoming schedule. Do not include an image of the schedule. It may throw the email to junk or spam.
- Put in travel coaches name and info, hitting/pitching coach names and contact info (Anyone who may have a connection or who may have a helping hand in your recruiting.)
- If you have a custom list because you do not want specific coaches to view this email there is an additional charge of $150 to customize an email list for you. Contact me if this pertains to you.
- Important note: This will be going to all coaches in the entire division we are sending to, their name will not be specified in the greeting.
- Lastly, provide a creative, and interesting SUBJECT line to catch a coaches attention and open the email.
Double check the letter before you email back to Eric at to make sure everything is to your liking. HE WILL COPY/PASTE YOUR LETTER EXACTLY, MAKE IT WORK FOR EAST COAST, WEST COAST AND THE MIDDLE OF THE COUNTY.
Remember…You can add or remove anything you want to this. I.E. hobbies, an interest of study, etc…we would suggest asking your travel coach for additional items they would like you to add. Do not simply fill out the blank spaces in the demo with 3 sentences and shoot it back, that will get little to no response. Don’t forget, this is basically a resume you are sending to a future employer! You may want to even go on the internet and research what a good email will look like. Make this email your calling card! We have left it generic because it is important you learn how to do this.
Here are a few more bullet points you can add to jazz up your letter:
- Height and weight
- Overhand throwing velocity
- Bat exit velocity
- Home to 1B time
- NCAA Eligibility ID
- Perspective Major
- SAT and/or ACT score
- Statistics from High School season
- Defensive position(s).
- Year in school.
- High school and travel team.
- GPA, class rank (if applicable).
- Any awards you may have received on the field, in the classroom, in the community, etc.
- Add your YouTube links to the letter and make sure it is hyperlinked.
- Add your personal email address.
- Do not include images or attachments. They may cause the email to go to junk or spam folders.
- TYPE out your future/upcoming schedule. Do not include an image of the schedule. It may throw the email to junk or spam.
- Put in travel coaches name and info, hitting/pitching coach names and contact info (Anyone who may have a connection or who may have a helping hand in your recruiting.)
When emailing prospective coaches, realize Division 1 cannot discuss recruiting or scholarships until September 1st your Junior year.
HRV highly recommends using the app Softball Bound. You can find it on Apple itunes or on the Google Play store. Recruiting is a process not an event and follow up is the key. There is no easier way to contact coaches…get it ASAP!
Be sure to download and read the NCAA Guide for College Bound Student-Athletes.
Once you commit to a college, please contact us so we can make you a new one with your college logo!
My name is Jane Smith, Class of 2024 and I play for Travel Team and attend High School. My biggest asset is that I’m a team player who gives everything I have both on the field and in the classroom. My current GPA is 3.9 and I received a 29 on the ACT. My batting average is .468 and my slugging is .823 with 10 home runs. I was humbled and honored to earn Most Valuable Player and Offensive Player of the Year for my travel team and All-Conference the last two years on Varsity. I feel blessed that I get to play a game I love and never take that for granted.
Here are a few more bullet points about me:
- Height and weight
- Overhand throwing velocity
- Bat exit velocity
- Home to 1B time
- NCAA Eligibilty ID
- Perspective Major
- SAT and/or ACT score
- Statistics from High School season
Jane Smith
(661)555-5555 cell
Skills video video link
Hi Coach my name is Jane Smith(your name). I am a 2024 Pitcher/UTL(your position). I play for the So Cal (softball team) 16U (division). I attend (your high school) High School in (your city), California and have a 4.0 GPA. I scored _____ on my SAT and ____ on my ACT.
I am very interested in playing softball at the next level.
Please click on my skills video below. I included my upcoming schedule and would love for you to come and watch me play. Thank you for your time. Have a great week coach!
Jane Smith
(661)555-5555 cell
Skills video video link